
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
from ase import Atoms
from ase.units import Bohr

# User
from import zval

[ドキュメント]def read_acf(file="ACF.dat")->pd.DataFrame: """ ACF.datファイルの中身をDataFrameにして返す. Parameters: fileobj: Union[str, Path] ACF.dataファイルパス Returns: np.DataFrame: ACF.datのデータフレーム """ with open(file,"r") as f: firstline = f.readline().strip().split() if not firstline == ['#', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'CHARGE', 'MIN', 'DIST', 'ATOMIC', 'VOL']: raise IOError("ACF.datの形式が異なるため解析できませんでした") df = pd.read_table(file,skiprows=2,skipfooter=4, engine='python',delim_whitespace=True, header=None) df.columns = ["#","X","Y","Z","CHARGE","MIN DIST","ATOMIC VOL"] return df
[ドキュメント]def get_dader(atoms:Atoms,file="ACF.dat",displacement=1e-4)->np.ndarray: """ | ACF.datファイルからBaderChargeを計算する. | BaderCharge = ZVAL - Charge(ACF.dat内に記載の) | で計算される. Parameters: atoms: Atoms Atomsオブジェクト file: Union[str, Path, DataFrame] ACF.dataファイルパス, DataFrame. displacement: float 原子の順番がACF.datとAtomsとで同じか検証するため. Returns: np.ndarray: BaderChargeのリスト """ if isinstance(file,pd.DataFrame): df = file else: df = read_acf(file) # 原子の順番がACF.datとAtomsとで同じか検証 if displacement is not None: # check if the atom positions match for atom,x,y,z in zip(atoms,df["X"].tolist(),df["Y"].tolist(),df["Z"].tolist()): xyz = np.array([x,y,z]) # ACF.dat units could be Bohr or Angstrom norm1 = np.linalg.norm(atom.position - xyz) norm2 = np.linalg.norm(atom.position - xyz * Bohr) assert norm1 < displacement or norm2 < displacement return np.array([zval[atom.number]-charge for atom, charge in zip(atoms,df["CHARGE"])])
# def attach_charges(atoms, fileobj='ACF.dat', displacement=1e-4): # if isinstance(fileobj, str): # with open(fileobj) as fd: # lines = fd.readlines() # else: # lines = fileobj # sep = '---------------' # i = 0 # Counter for the lines # k = 0 # Counter of sep # assume6columns = False # for line in lines: # if line[0] == '\n': # check if there is an empty line in the # i -= 1 # head of ACF.dat file # if i == 0: # headings = line # if 'BADER' in headings.split(): # j = headings.split().index('BADER') # elif 'CHARGE' in headings.split(): # j = headings.split().index('CHARGE') # else: # print('Can\'t find keyword "BADER" or "CHARGE".' # ' Assuming the ACF.dat file has 6 columns.') # j = 4 # assume6columns = True # if sep in line: # Stop at last separator line # if k == 1: # break # k += 1 # if not i > 1: # pass # else: # words = line.split() # if assume6columns is True: # if len(words) != 6: # raise IOError('Number of columns in ACF file incorrect!\n' # 'Check that Bader program version >= 0.25') # atom = atoms[int(words[0]) - 1] # atom.charge = atomic_numbers[atom.symbol] - float(words[j]) # if displacement is not None: # check if the atom positions match # xyz = np.array([float(w) for w in words[1:4]]) # # ACF.dat units could be Bohr or Angstrom # norm1 = np.linalg.norm(atom.position - xyz) # norm2 = np.linalg.norm(atom.position - xyz * Bohr) # assert norm1 < displacement or norm2 < displacement # i += 1