
import sys
# from ase import Atoms

[ドキュメント]class Log: """logファイルを与えた場合それをLogオブジェクトとして格納する. Paramaters: eqfile: str or Path | XXX_EQ_list.logファイルのパス. tsfile: str or Path | XXX_EQ_list.logファイルのパス. ptfile: str or Path | XXX_EQ_list.logファイルのパス. Examples: >>> log1 = log("XXX_EQ_list.log",ts="XXX_TS_list.log", pt="XXX_PT_list.log") >>> log2 = log("YYY_EQ_list.log",ts="YYY_TS_list.log", pt="YYY_PT_list.log") >>> marge_log = log1 + log2 # マージ >>> marge_log.write_log("margedEQ.log", "margedTS.log", "margedPT.log") """ def __init__(self, eqfile=None, tsfile=None, ptfile=None): """logファイルを与えた場合それをLogオブジェクトとして格納する. Paramaters: eqfile: str or Path XXX_EQ_list.logファイルのパス. tsfile: str or Path XXX_EQ_list.logファイルのパス. ptfile: str or Path XXX_EQ_list.logファイルのパス. """ self.eqlog = [] self.tslog = [] self.ptlog = [] if eqfile: self.eqlog = read_log(eqfile) if tsfile: self.tslog = read_log(tsfile) if ptfile: self.ptlog = read_log(ptfile) def __add__(self, other): """Logオブジェクト同士の和を以下のように定義. | EQ,TS,PTそれぞれのリストを結合し, ナンバーを連番にする. | それに対応したTS,PTのコネクションのナンバーを再編成する. Returns: Log: 単一のLogオブジェクト """ if self.eqlog == [] or other.eqlog == []: print("ERROR: EQlist(s) not found!") sys.exit() l = len(self.eqlog) - 1 o = len(other.eqlog) newlist_eq = [] newlist_ts = [] newlist_pt = [] for i in range(1,o): n = int(other.eqlog[i].split()[4][:-1]) newlist_eq.append(other.eqlog[i].replace(str(n), str(n + l), 1)) self.eqlog[-1] = self.eqlog[-1].strip() neweq = self.eqlog + newlist_eq if not self.tslog == [] and not other.tslog == []: tsl = len(self.tslog) - 1 tso = len(other.tslog) if tsl > 2 and tso > 2: for i in range(1,tso): n = int(other.tslog[i].split()[4][:-1]) other.tslog[i] = other.tslog[i].replace(str(n), str(n + tsl), 1) n_ini = other.tslog[i].split()[-3] n_fin = other.tslog[i].split()[-1] ini_fin = f"{n_ini} - {n_fin}" i_ini = int(n_ini) + l i_fin = int(n_fin) + l new_ini_fin = f"{str(i_ini)} - {str(i_fin)}" newlist_ts.append(other.tslog[i].replace(ini_fin, new_ini_fin, 1)) self.tslog[-1] = self.tslog[-1].strip() newts = self.tslog + newlist_ts elif self.tslog == []: tso = len(other.tslog) if tso > 2: for i in range(1,tso): n = int(other.tslog[i].split()[4][:-1]) n_ini = other.tslog[i].split()[-3] n_fin = other.tslog[i].split()[-1] ini_fin = f"{n_ini} - {n_fin}" i_ini = int(n_ini) + l i_fin = int(n_fin) + l new_ini_fin = f"{str(i_ini)} - {str(i_fin)}" newlist_ts.append(other.tslog[i].replace(ini_fin, new_ini_fin, 1)) newts = newlist_ts elif other.tslog == []: newts = self.tslog else: newts = [] if not self.ptlog == [] and not other.ptlog == []: ptl = len(self.ptlog) - 1 pto = len(other.ptlog) if ptl > 2 and pto > 2: for i in range(1,pto): n = int(other.ptlog[i].split()[4][:-1]) other.ptlog[i] = other.ptlog[i].replace(str(n), str(n + ptl), 1) n_ini = other.ptlog[i].split()[-3] n_fin = other.ptlog[i].split()[-1] ini_fin = f"{n_ini} - {n_fin}" i_ini = int(n_ini) + l i_fin = int(n_fin) + l new_ini_fin = f"{str(i_ini)} - {str(i_fin)}" newlist_pt.append(other.ptlog[i].replace(ini_fin, new_ini_fin, 1)) self.ptlog[-1] = self.ptlog[-1].strip() newpt = self.ptlog + newlist_pt elif self.ptlog == []: pto = len(other.ptlog) if pto > 2: for i in range(1,pto): n = int(other.ptlog[i].split()[4][:-1]) n_ini = other.ptlog[i].split()[-3] n_fin = other.ptlog[i].split()[-1] ini_fin = f"{n_ini} - {n_fin}" i_ini = int(n_ini) + l i_fin = int(n_fin) + l new_ini_fin = f"{str(i_ini)} - {str(i_fin)}" newlist_pt.append(other.ptlog[i].replace(ini_fin, new_ini_fin, 1)) newpt = newlist_pt elif other.ptlog == []: newpt = self.ptlog else: newpt = [] newobj = Log() newobj.eqlog = neweq newobj.tslog = newts newobj.ptlog = newpt return newobj def __iadd__(self,other): return self + other
[ドキュメント] def write_log(self, eqfile="margedEQ.log", tsfile="margedTS.log", ptfile="margedPT.log"): """Logオブジェクトからlogファイルを書き出す. Paramaters: eqfile: str or Path | 保存するXXX_EQ_list.logファイルのパス. tsfile: str or Path | 保存するXXX_EQ_list.logファイルのパス. ptfile: str or Path | 保存するXXX_EQ_list.logファイルのパス. """ if not eqfile == None and not self.eqlog[-2] == "List of Equilibrium Structures": with open(eqfile, mode='w') as f: for eq in self.eqlog: if eq == self.eqlog[-1]: f.writelines(eq) else: f.writelines(eq + "\n\n") f.close() if not tsfile == None and not self.tslog == None: if not self.tslog[-2] == "List of Transition Structures": with open(tsfile, mode='w') as f: for ts in self.tslog: if ts == self.tslog[-1]: f.writelines(ts) else: f.writelines(ts + "\n\n") f.close() if not ptfile == None and not self.ptlog == None: if not self.ptlog[-2] == "List of Path Top (Approximate TS) Structures": with open(ptfile, mode='w') as f: for pt in self.ptlog: if pt == self.ptlog[-1]: f.writelines(pt) else: f.writelines(pt + "\n\n") f.close()
# def eqatoms(self): # l = len(self.eqlog) # a_lists = [] # for i in range(1, l): # a_list = [] # s = self.eqlog[i].split('\n') # for j in range(1, 10000): # if s[j][:6] == "Energy": # break # else: # a_list.append(s[j]) # a_lists.append(a_list) # return a_lists def read_log(logfile): """logファイルを各EQ(or TS or PT)ごとに切り分けてリストで返す. Paramater: logfile: str or Path logファイルのパス Return: list of str: 各EQ(or TS or PT)のリスト""" log_list = open(logfile) r = r_list = r.split("\n\n") log_list.close() return r_list